A-Attached or Single? Attached

B-Best Friend? Josh is my bestest
C- Cake or Pie? Razzleberry Pie from Marie Calenders
D- Day of choice? Saturday, its the fun day
E- Essentail Item? My purse, it has almost everything I need in it besides my iMac

F-Favorite Color? Purple
G- Gummy bears or Worms? Both but the worms have to be sour
H-Hometown? Chula Vista, CA

I- Favorite Indulgence? Ice Cream and Reality TV (you know, the good stuff Project Runway, Flipping Out, The Hills, Runs House, Rob & Big, Tori and Dean...)
J- January or July? Depends on my mood, but I would usually say July if I wasn't snowboarding
K- Kids? One day... in the future
L- Life isn't complete without? Family and awesome friends
M- Marriage Date? April 29, 2006
N- Number of Brothers and Sisters? Michelle who is 20 months younger

P- Phobia and Fears? I don't like being out and about alone at night. Oh and dying because I was in a small room that was 107 degrees with no windows.
Q- Quote? "Michael, I'm an Illusionist" -Arrested Development and anything from the Office. Im really into quotes that make me or others laugh. They are like Pop culture inside jokes.
R- Reasons to smile? Josh always makes me smile, when summer comes, good memories
S- Season? Its always going to be summer. But since living in Idaho and UT summer isn't really enjoyable for me unless i am inside in air conditioning or in water. I have no tolerance for heat above 80 degrees. I totally freak out when I get super hot and I shut down. Summer in San Diego is the only way to spend a summer.
T-Tag 3 people. I tag anyone who reads this!!!
U- Unknown Fact about me? I've been to OzzFest. Ozzy was really good at singing, but not so much at speaking.
V- Vegetable? Artichoke

W- Worst habit? I am easily annoyed
X- Ray or Ultra Sound? I have had many a X-ray because I had some messed up teeth. Braces saved me! Never had an Ultra Sound.
Y- Your favorite food? Spaghetti, Ice Cream, French Fries and California Burritos. I'm healthy.
Z- Zodiac sign? Virgo